Wednesday, 15 October 2008

because Ram is feeling THIRSTY

Okay people,

5 weeks more and we can 'rock the city of LONDON' again ..

as you people know, most of the Sussa.hostel crew are in London in the last week of November. i hope also Fabio, Jess and Rapha & Raffa will be there. The party organization can start preparing for this week/weekend.

It is also the birthday of Italian Mafia Angelo. So, we are expecting Italian visitors from Brindisi :)

This is the topic for all your suggestions, creation and advise. Let's make a huge event all together... because Ram is feeling THIRSTY ..

Greetz to all


Anonymous said... your comment is getting close to some advertising tagline!~~because Ram is feeling THIRSTY ..!!!! I like it kkKKKK

Miss u so much..and i will find a way to be there hopefully~ desperately

Sussa Hostel said...

oh my god! Ram write another thing, you make jess talk! now we know that she is still alive! please write something else...jaja!!

Bonitinha ;-)

Sussa Hostel said...

oh my god! Ram write another thing, you make jess talk! now we know that she is still alive! please write something else...jaja!!

Bonitinha ;-)

Sussa Hostel said...

oh my god! Ram write another thing, you make jess talk! now we know that she is still alive! please write something else...jaja!!

Bonitinha ;-)

Unknown said...

Oh my g... Gelu you so repetitive!!!
every time Jess write you'll answer it 3 times!? jajajajaja

So glass are ready man...
we have a lot to cheers - could be more... hopefully - only missing a plan, but i am sure Noe will sort out this last little thing!!! LOL

we will we will rock u!!!!
(ok try to read this bit with Queen soundtrack ok?! imagination please... =) )

Jess said...

kakaka~~ Me parto!!!